Origin : Indonesia (Java)
Size : w.s. cm 23-25
Embalmed Roundleaf Bat Hipposideros bicolor wingspan cm 23-25 body cm 7-8 Mammalia Chiroptera Hipposideridae, dried and spread, as in photos. Family: Hipposideridae. Common name: Bicolored Roundleaf Bat. Syn. Rhinolophus bicolor, Hipposiderus javanicus. To best preserve the preparation, we recommend our wooden boards and glass. We would like to point out, for those who are wondering although it is probably completely superfluous, that ALL the bats we sell DO NOT HAVE ANY CORONAVIRUS on their surface or packaging and DO NOT CONTAIN IT, so cannot cause any infection, for the following reasons: 1) they are dead, dried and treated (therefore like objects: viruses proliferate and multiply inside living organisms); 2) they were purchased several years before the epidemic broke out, as per the attached capture date. If you have any other concerns, please contact us, thank you. Hipposideros bicolor (Temminck, 1834) is a bat of the Hipposideridae family widespread in the eastern Ecozone. Small bat, with a total length between 78 and 86 mm and a weight of up to 10.2 g. The fur is long, the ears are large, rounded, the wing membranes are brown. Emits high duty cycle ultrasound with constant frequency pulses. It takes refuge in groups of 10 to 250 individuals in houses, caves or in the dens of other animals such as foxes and porcupines. The two sexes coexist although the males are always twice as numerous as the females. It feeds on soft-bodied insects such as termites. Births occur in April and are carried by their mothers clinging to the false inguinal breasts until they reach maturity. This species is widespread in the Malay Peninsula, in Indonesia from Sumatra to the Tanimbar Islands and in some of the Philippine Islands. It lives in primary forests and less frequently in disturbed areas up to 620 meters above sea level. 7 subspecies have been recognized. Chiroptera (Blumenbach, 1779) is an order of placental mammals commonly known as bats. It is the second largest group of mammals after rodents, comprising about 20% of the described species. The scientific term Chiroptera derives from the two Greek words χείρ chéir, "mano" and πτερόν pterón, "wing", with a clear allusion to the peculiarity of the upper limb. The two suborders have the micro- and macro- prefixes respectively to highlight the difference in size between the two groups, although the largest micro-beetles are much larger than the smaller Macrochiroptera. The only mammals able to fly and perform complex maneuvers in the air belong to the order of Chiroptera. The smallest species, the bumblebee bat does not weigh more than 2 grams and is considered, together with the Etruscan mustiol, the smallest mammal in the world, while the largest are some species of the genus Pteropus and Acerodon, which reach a weight of about 1 , 6 kg and a wingspan of up to 1.8 meters. The wings developed from the substantial modification of the upper limb, where the forearm and, even more, the metacarpal bones and the phalanges of the hand suffered a disproportionate elongation. The fingers are joined together by a vascularized skin membrane, called patagio, which extends to the sides of the body and lower limbs. In most species there is an additional membrane between the legs, which can sometimes incorporate the tail. The wing proportions vary considerably between the different species and can be long and narrow in bats that need great autonomy, or short and wide in those that are used to perform rapid maneuvers and with sudden changes of direction, especially in dense vegetation or in presence of obstacles very close together. Speeds varying between 16 km / h and 165 km / h have been recorded (the highest ever recorded in horizontal flight among all flying animals). The body is generally covered with a thick fur. The head can take on a remarkable variety of forms, mainly associated with eating habits and methods of obtaining food. It can be short and wide or narrow and elongated. The ears are large, sometimes exceptionally huge, and have the function in the Microchiroptera to collect the reflected sound waves emitted by the animals themselves for echolocation. The eyes vary greatly in size, being almost atrophied in the Microchiroptera, while they are large in the Pteropodids, also skilled in color vision. In most species there is a fleshy nose on the nose, called the nasal leaf, which has the function of regulating and directing the beam of sound waves emitted by the animal through the nose or mouth.
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