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other gastropods

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In this catalog you will find both commercial and economic shells, either rare specimens or in any case unique pieces, chosen and selected for your collection.

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Click here for italian Shells of Mediterranean Sea.

Cat: other gastropods
Melongena pugilina Seashell Gastropoda Snail Crown Conch

Melongena pugilina mm 85-95 Seashell Gastropoda Snail Crown Conch ....

Cat: other gastropods
Mitra dactylus mm 40 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Mitre Miter Shell

Mitra dactylus mm 40.5 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Mitre Miter...

Cat: other gastropods
10,30 6,50

Mitra papalis mm 80-95 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Mitre Miter...

Cat: other gastropods
Monodonta canalifera (1) mm 24 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Top-Snail Top-Shell

Monodonta canalifera mm 24 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Top-Snail...

Cat: other gastropods
Monodonta canalifera (2) mm 30 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Top-Snail Top-Shell

Monodonta canalifera mm 30 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Top-Snail...

Cat: other gastropods
Morum grande mm 64 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Harp Snail

Morum grande mm 64 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Harp Snail, only a...

Cat: other gastropods
Nacella magellanica (1) mm 56 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail True Limpet

Nacella magellanica mm 56 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail True Limpet,...

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Cat: other gastropods
Nacella magellanica (2) mm 41 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail True Limpet

Nacella magellanica mm 41 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail True Limpet,...

Cat: other gastropods
Natica arachnoidea Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Moon Snail Necklace Shell

Natica arachnoidea mm 10-15 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Moon Snail...

Cat: other gastropods
Natica millepunctata Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Moon Snail Necklace Shell

Natica millepunctata mm 33-37 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Moon...

Cat: other gastropods
Neripteron violaceum Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Nerite Nerita

Neripteron violaceum mm 20-25 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Nerite...

Cat: other gastropods
Nerita exuvia (1) XL mm 31 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Nerite Nerita

Nerita exuvia XL mm 31 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Nerite Nerita ...

Cat: other gastropods
Nerita exuvia (2) XL mm 32 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Nerite Nerita

Nerita exuvia XL mm 32 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Nerite Nerita ...

Cat: other gastropods
Nerita exuvia Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Nerite Nerita

Nerita exuvia mm 15-25 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Nerite Nerita ...

Cat: other gastropods
Nerita plicata Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Nerite Nerita

Nerita plicata mm 10-15 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Nerite Nerita ...

Cat: other gastropods
Neritina communis Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Nerite Nerita

Neritina communis  mm 10-15 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail...

Cat: other gastropods
Neverita didyma ampla (1) Extra mm 59 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Moon Snail Necklace Shell

Neverita didyma ampla Extra mm 59 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Moon...

Cat: other gastropods
Neverita josephinia Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Moon Snail Necklace Shell

Neverita josephinia mm 31-35 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Moon Snail...

Cat: other gastropods
7,80 5,50

Oliva miniacea mm 70-80 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropoda Olive Shell...

Cat: other gastropods
22,90 19,90

Oliva tremulina mm 73 black variety Seashell Sea Snail Gastropoda...

Cat: egg capsul
Ovature Neverita josephinia (1) Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Moon Snail Necklace Shell

Ovature Neverita josephinia shell cm 3-4 Seashell Gastropoda Sea...

Cat: egg capsul
Ovature Neverita josephinia (2) Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Moon Snail Necklace Shell

Ovature Neverita josephinia shell cm 4.5-8 Seashell Gastropoda Sea...

Cat: other gastropods
Ovula ovum Seashell Sea Snail Gastropoda Ovulid Cowry Allie False Cowrie

Ovula ovum mm 70-85 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropoda Ovulid Cowry Allie...

Cat: other gastropods
Oxymeris areolata mm 103 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Auger Shell

Oxymeris areolata mm 103 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Auger Shell ,...

Cat: other gastropods
Oxymeris dimidiatus (1) mm 62 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Auger Shell

Oxymeris dimidiatus mm 62 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Auger Shell ...

Cat: other gastropods
Oxymeris dimidiatus (2) mm 62 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Auger Shell

Oxymeris dimidiatus mm 62 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Auger Shell ...

Cat: other gastropods
Oxymeris dimidiatus (3) mm 71 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Auger Shell

Oxymeris dimidiatus mm 71 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Auger Shell ...

Cat: other gastropods
Oxymeris maculata Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Auger Shell

Oxymeris maculata mm 130-135 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Auger...

Cat: other gastropods
Pachymelania aurita (2) mm 34 Freshwater Snail Gastropod Melania Thiarid Trumpet Shell

Pachymelania aurita mm 34 Freshwater Snail Gastropod Melania Thiarid...

Cat: other gastropods
Pachymelania aurita (3) mm 42 Freshwater Snail Gastropod Melania Thiarid Trumpet Shell

Pachymelania aurita mm 42 Freshwater Snail Gastropod Melania Thiarid...

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