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Aves (birds)

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If you are interested in skulls, skeletons, trophies and stuffed animals (birds, reptiles, bats, fish, frogs), you can find them in our catalog Taxidermy, at this link

Cat: Aves (birds)
Collection 10 Birds Feathers + Book

Only 1.60 Euros per Feathers ! Lot 10 different Bird Feathers, all...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Anas crecca Teal Feather Ducks Birds Aves Anseriformes Anatidae

Feather Bird Common Teal Anas crecca cm 6-7 Ducks Birds Aves...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Anas platyrhynchos (1) Mallard Skull Wild Duck Birds Aves Anseriformes Anatidae

Mallard Wild Duck Skull Anas platyrhynchos cm 11.5 Ducks Birds Aves...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Anas platyrhynchos (2) Mallard Skull Wild Duck Birds Aves Anseriformes Anatidae

Mallard Wild Duck Skull Anas platyrhynchos cm 13.4 Ducks Birds Aves...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Anas platyrhyncos Mallard Feather Ducks Birds Aves Anseriformes Anatidae

Feather Bird Mallard Anas crecca cm 10-13 Ducks Birds Aves...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Columba palumbus (1) Woodpigeon Skull Aves Columbiformes Columbidae

Woodpigeon Skull Columba palumbus cm 5.7 Aves Columbiformes...

Cat: Aves (birds)
45,50 39,50

Woodpigeon Skull Columba palumbus cm 5.2 Aves Columbiformes...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Corvus corone Crow Feather Birds Aves Passeriformes Corvidae

Feather Bird Crow Corvus corone cm 6.5-8 Birds Aves Passeriformes...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Cyanopica cyanus Azure-Winged Magpie Feather Crows Birds Aves Passeriformes Corvidae

Feathers Bird Azure-Winged Magpie Cyanopica cyanus cm 12-12.5 Crows...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Dromaius novaehollandiae Emu Skull Birds Aves Paleognathae Casuariidae

Emu Skull Dromaius novaehollandiae cm 16.5 Birds Aves Paleognathae...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Gallinula chloropus Moorhen Skull Birds Aves Gruiformes Rallidae

Common Moorhen Skull Gallinula chloropus cm 5.9 Birds Aves Gruiformes...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Phasianus colchicus Pheasant Feather Cocks Roosters Hens Birds Aves Galliformes Phasianidae

Feathers Bird Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus female cm 14-16...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Phasianus colchicus tenebrosus Pheasant Feather Cocks Roosters Hens Birds Aves Galliformes Phasianidae

Feather Bird Common Pheasant Melanistic form Phasianus colchicus...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Pica pica Magpie Feather Crows Birds Aves Passeriformes Corvidae

Feathers Bird Eurasian or Common Magpie Pica pica cm 13.5-15.5 Crows...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Scolopax rusticola Woodcock (1) Skul Birds Aves Charadriformes Scolopacidae

Woodcock Skull Scolopax rusticola Birds Aves Charadriformes...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Scolopax rusticola Woodcock (2) Skul Birds Aves Charadriformes Scolopacidae

Eurasian Woodcock Skull Scolopax rusticola Birds Aves Charadriformes...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Scolopax rusticola Woodcock Feather Birds Waders Shorebirds Aves Charadriformes Scolopacidae

Feather Bird Woodcock Scolopax rusticola cm 6-7  Birds Waders...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Syrmaticus reevesii Reeve's Pheasant Feather Cocks Roosters Hens Birds Aves Galliformes Phasianidae

Feather Bird Reeves's Pheasant Syrmaticus reevesii cm 7-11 Cocks...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Taeniopygia guttata Zebra Finch Skull Birds Aves Passeriformes Estrilidae

Chestnut-Eared Sunda Zebra Finch Skull Taeniopygia guttata cm 2.5...

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