Origin : Brazil
Amazonite 1 Piece 10-20 gr - cm 2-4 Raw Minerals Stones Rocks for Collection. Amazonite (also called "Amazon stone") is a mineral, a green variety of microcline Feldspar. The name derives from the Amazon River, where the green stones were found specifically in the jungle of Peru, but it is unlikely that there could be deposits of green feldspar in the Amazonian plain. More likely their presence on the river bed is due to the fluvial transport from the mountain deposits of origin. Amazonite is a rare mineral. It is almost entirely extracted from the Miass area in the Ilmen mountains, 80 kilometers southwest of Chelyabinsk, Russia, within granite rocks. Recently, higher quality crystals have been found in the Pike's Peak area, Colorado, in association with quartz, orthoclase, and albite crystals within granites or pegmatites. Crystal Park, El Paso County, Colorado is also known for Amazonite crystals. Amazonite has also been found within pegmatite in Madagascar and Brazil. Due to its bright green, when worked, amazonite is sometimes used as a gem, although it is very fragile and easily fractured. What caused its original coloring remained a mystery for a long time. Many were led to think of the presence of copper as its compounds often have blue or green colors. Recent studies have recognized a small amount of lead and water in feldspar as the cause of the blue-green color.
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