Origin : Morocco (North-West Sahara)
Geological era : Recent
Age : 2000
Size : 5.3 gr - mm 26 x 18 x 11
Fragment of meteoric origin 5.3 gr - mm 26 x 18 x 11 Meteorites Raw Minerals Stones Rocks for Collection, in plexiglas box diam. cm 3, only a piece, as in photos. Chondrite NWA 267 - H4, from individual Meteorite TKW (Thousand Kernel Weight) 73.9 Kg. Year of fall: 2000 (not observed, unknown coordinates). Included to the Meteorite a geological tab dates paper. This is one of 5591 approved meteorites (plus 2 unapproved), classified as H4. A small fragment of the NWA 267 meteorite. Nodose structure as it is heavily exposed to the weather (Weathering grade: W2-3), is a nice first issue of the NWA class. Chemical composition: Fayalite and Ferrosilite. Many of these meteorites have been classified about 10 years ago and have just sold a few pieces here and there over the years. All listed in the meteoritical bulletin. These pieces are not sold by weight as they are carefully chisen specifically to be characteristics of a specific fall. The chondrite meteorites are rocks with the same chemical composition of planetesimals, that those small cold bodies that formed in the solar system primordial. The major chemical elements present were hydrogen, helium, carbon, nitrogen, nickel and iron. 86% of the meteorites fallen on Earth are chondrites: they take their name from chondrules present in them. The chondrules are spherules of mafic minerals with small grain sizes, indicative of rapid cooling. The chondrites usually have an age of 4.6 billion years (thus dating the formation of the solar system) and is believed to have originated in the main belt of asteroids. How exactly are formed is still a topic hotly debated among scientists. Inside them were also found presolar grains, and their isotopic composition is similar to that of the Sun. Is thought that the chondrites are unaltered material in the original solar nebula.
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