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Cat: Nymphalidae
Colobura dirce Insect Tropical Butterfly Nymphalid Brush-Footed Nymphalidae

Colobura dirce dirce one wing lenght cm 2.3-2.5 Insect Tropical...

Cat: Nymphalidae
Consul fabius Insect Tropical Butterfly Nymphalid Brushed-Footed Nymphalidae

Consul fabius one wing lenght cm 3-4 Insect Tropical Butterfly...

Cat: Chrysomelidae
Coptocephala unifasciata Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle Chrysomelidae

Coptocephala unifasciata mm 5-6 Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle...

Cat: Anisoptera
Cordulegaster bidentata Insect Giant Dragonfly Spiketail Odonata Anisoptera

Cordulegaster bidentata Giant Dragonfly cm 6.5-7.5 wing span cm 8-9...

Cat: Heteroptera (bugs)
Coreus marginatus Insect Sap-Suckling Leaf-Footed Squash Bug Hemipterus Heteroptera Coreidae

Coreus marginatus cm 1-1.3 Insect Sap-Suckling Leaf-Footed Squash...

Cat: Heteroptera (bugs)
Coriomeris denticulatus Insect Sap-Suckling Leaf-Footed Squash Bug Hemipterus Heteroptera Coreidae

Coriomeris denticulatus mm 7 Insect Sap-Suckling Leaf-Footed Squash...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Corymbia cordigera (1) Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle Cerambycidae

Corymbia cordigera cm 1.2-1.4 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle...

Cat: Cerambycidae
6,50 5,70

Corymbia cordigera cm 1.2-1.4 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Corymbia dubia Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle Cerambycidae

Corymbia dubia mm 10-11 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle Long-Horned...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Corymbia rubra Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle Cerambycidae

Corymbia rubra cm 1.4-2 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Corymbia sanguinolenta Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle Cerambycidae

Corymbia sanguinolenta mm 9-11 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle...

Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
9,50 5,90

Cossus cossus one wing lenght cm 2.5-3 Insect Nocturnal Butterfly...

Cat: Formicidae (ants)
Crematogaster scutellaris Ant Worker Insect Hymenoptera Formicidae

Crematogaster scutellaris mm 4-6 Ant Worker Insect Hymenoptera...

Cat: mantises and cockroaches
15,60 13,50

Creobroter gemmatus cm 2.5-3 wingspan cm 3.5-4 Tropical Insect...

Cat: Chrysomelidae
Crioceris asparagi Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle Chrysomelidae

Crioceris asparagi mm 5-6 Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle Chrysomelidae....

Cat: Chrysomelidae
Crioceris duodecimpunctata Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle Chrysomelidae

Crioceris duodecimpunctata 12-punctata mm 5-6 Insect Coleopter Leaf...

Cat: Chrysomelidae
Crioceris macilenta Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle Chrysomelidae

Crioceris macilenta mm  Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle...

Cat: Anisoptera
Crocothemis erythraea Insect Dragonfly Odonata Anisoptera Spiketail

Crocothemis erythraea Dragonfly cm 4 wing span cm 7 Insect Odonata...

Cat: Chrysomelidae
Cryptocephalus bipunctatus Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle Chrysomelidae

Cryptocephalus bipunctatus bipunctatus mm 4-6 Insect Coleopter Leaf...

Cat: Chrysomelidae
Cryptocephalus renatae Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle Chrysomelidae

Cryptocephalus renatae mm 6-7 Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle...

Cat: Chrysomelidae
Cryptocephalus sericeus Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle Chrysomelidae

Cryptocephalus sericeus zambanellus mm 6-7 Insect Coleopter Leaf...

Cat: Chrysomelidae
Cryptocephalus transiens Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle Chrysomelidae

Cryptocephalus transiens mm 4-5 Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle...

Cat: Homoptera (cicades)
Cryptotympana aquila Tropical Insect Giant True Cicada Hemiptera Rhynchota Homopter Cicadidae

Cryptotympana aquila cm 3.5-4.5 wing span cm 10-12 Tropical...

Cat: phasmids neuroptera myriapods other
Ctenocephalides felis Insect Cat Flea Hematophagus Parasite Siphonapter Aphanipter Pulicid

Ctenocephalides felis mm 2 Insect Cat Flea Hematophagus Parasite...

Cat: Nematocera (mosquitos)
Culex pipiens Insect Mosquito Mosquitoe Small Little Fly Parasite Diptera Hematophagus Nematocera

Culex pipiens mm 4-6 Insect Mosquito Mosquitoe Small Little Fly...

Cat: Curculionidae
Curculio elephas Insect Coleopter True Weevil Snout Beetle Curculionidae

Curculio elephas mm 6-10 Insect Coleopter True Weevil Snout Beetle...

Cat: Curculionidae
Curculio glandum Insect Coleopter True Weevil Snout Beetle Curculionidae

Curculio glandum mm 7-8 Insect Coleopter True Weevil Snout Beetle ...

Cat: Lucanidae
Cyclommatus metallifer finae (1) Stag Beetle Tropical Insect Coleopter Lucanidae

Cyclommatus metallifer finae cm 6-6.8 Stag Beetle Tropical Insect...

Cat: Lucanidae
Cyclommatus metallifer finae (2) Stag Beetle XL Tropical Insect Coleopter Lucanidae

Cyclommatus metallifer finae cm 7-7.5 Stag Beetle XL Large Tropical...

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