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italian palearctic insects

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Cat: Zygoptera
Enallagma cyathigerum Insect Dragonfly Damselfly Odonata Zygoptera

Enallagma cyathigerum cm 3-3.5 wing span cm 4-4.5 Insect Dragonfly...

Cat: other coleopters
Endomychus coccineus Insect Coleopter Handsome Fungus Beetle Endomychidae

Endomychus coccineus mm 4-6 Insect Coleopter Handsome Fungus Beetle...

Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
Epicallia villica (1) Insect Nocturnal Butterfly Lichen Tiger Moth Erebidae

Epicallia villica one wing lenght cm 2.2-3 Insect Nocturnal Butterfly...

Cat: Nymphalidae
Erebia aethiops (1) Insect Butterfly Nymphalid Brush-Footed Nymphalidae Satyrinae

Erebia aethiops one wing lenght cm 2-2.5 Insect Brush-Footed or...

Cat: Nymphalidae
6,50 5,50

Erebia aethiops one wing lenght cm 2-2.5 Insect Brush-Footed or...

Cat: Nymphalidae
6,50 5,50

Erebia medusa one wing lenght cm 2-2.5 Insect Brush-Footed or...

Cat: Apidae (bees, bombices)
Eucera longicornis Long-Horned Bee Insect Hymenopterus Apidae Apoidea

Eucera longicornis cm 1.3-1.5 Long-Horned Bee Insect Hymenopterus...

Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
Euclidia glyphica Insect Nocturnal Butterfly Lichen Tiger Moth Erebidae

Euclidia glyphica one wing lenght cm 1.3-1.5 Insect Nocturnal...

Cat: Vespidae (wasps)
Eumenes coronatus Wasp Insect Hymenopterus Vespidae

Eumenes coronatus cm 1.2-1.5 Wasp Insect Hymenopterus Vespidae....

Cat: Nymphalidae
Euphydryas aurinia Insect Butterfly Nymphalid Brush-Footed Nymphalidae

Euphydryas aurinia one wing lenght cm 1.5-2 Insect Brush-Footed or...

Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
Euplagia quadripunctaria Insect Nocturnal Butterfly Lichen Tiger Moth Erebidae

Euplagia quadripunctaria one wing lenght cm 2.5-3.2 Insect Nocturnal...

Cat: Heteroptera (bugs)
Eurydema oleracea Insect Awl Shield Stink Bug Hemipterus Rhynchota Heteroptera Pentatomid

Eurydema oleracea mm 5-6 Insect Awl Shield Stink Bug Hemipterus...

Cat: Heteroptera (bugs)
Eurydema ventralis Insect Awl Shield Stink Bug Hemipterus Rhynchota Heteroptera Pentatomid

Eurydema ventralis mm 6-10 Insect Awl Shield Stink Bug Hemipterus...

Cat: Heteroptera (bugs)
Eurygaster testudinaria Insect Jewel Metallic Shield-Backed Bug Hemipterus Rhyncota Heteroptera Scutelleridae

Eurygaster testudinaria Insect Jewel Metallic Shield-Backed Bug...

Cat: scorpions
Euscorpius flavicaudis European Scorpion Arachnida

Euscorpius flavicaudis cm 2.5-3 European Scorpion Arachnida. Family:...

Cat: scorpions
Euscorpius italicus European Scorpion Arachnida

Euscorpius italicus cm 3.5-4.5 European Scorpion Arachnida. Famiglia:...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Exocentrus adspersus Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle Cerambycidae

Exocentrus adspersus mm 5-6 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle,...

Cat: Chrysomelidae
Exosoma lusitanicum Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle Chrysomelidae

Exosoma lusitanicum mm 6-8 Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle ...

Cat: Nymphalidae
Fabriciana adippe (1) Insect Butterfly Nymphalid Brush-Footed Nymphalidae

Fabriciana adippe one wing lenght cm 1.3-1.6 Insect Brush-Footed or...

Cat: Nymphalidae
8,50 7,50

Fabriciana adippe cleodippe one wing lenght cm 1.3-1.6 Insect...

Cat: Formicidae (ants)
Formica rufa Ant Worker Insect Hymenoptera Formicidae

Formica rufa mm 6-10 Ant Worker Insect Hymenoptera Formicidae. Common...

Cat: Chrysomelidae
Galeruca tanaceti Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle Chrysomelidae

Galeruca tanaceti cm 1-1.2 Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle

Cat: other coleopters
Gauropterus fulgidus Insect Coleopter Rove Beetle Staphylinidae

Gauropterus fulgidus mm 9-11 Insect Coleopter Rove Beetle. Family:...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Gaurotes virginea Carilia Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle Cerambycidae

Gaurotes Carilia virginea cm 1-1.2 Insect Coleopter Longhorn...

Cat: Geotrupinae
Geotrupes niger Insect Coleopter Dung Beetle Earth-Boring Scarab Scarabaeidae Geotrupinae

Geotrupes niger cm 1.8-2 Insect Coleopter Dung Beetle Earth-Boring...

Cat: Geotrupinae
Geotrupes stercorarius Insect Coleopter Dung Beetle Earth-Boring Scarab Scarabaeidae Geotrupinae

Geotrupes stercorarius cm 2-2.5 Insect Coleopter Dung Beetle...

Cat: Heteroptera (bugs)
Gerris lacustris Pair Insect Water Strider True Bug Hemiptera Heteroptera

Gerris lacustris Pair (male + male) cm 1-1.7 Insect Water Strider...

Cat: Heteroptera (bugs)
Gerris lacustris Pair Insect Water Strider True Bug Hemiptera Heteroptera Gerridae

Gerris lacustris Pair (male + female) cm 1-1.7 Insect Water Strider...

Cat: Pieridae
18,50 15,50

Gonepteryx cleopatra Male one wing lenght cm 2.4-3 Insect Butterfly...

Cat: Pieridae
Gonepteryx cleopatra (1) Insect Butterfly Pieridae

Gonepteryx cleopatra Male one wing lenght cm 2.4-3 Insect Butterfly...

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