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Lot 5 Chalcosoma atlas keyboh kirbyi Tropical Insect Coleopter Scarab Rhinoceros Beetle Scarabaeidae Dynastinae

72,50 60,00
17%  off
  • Product Code: Z24736
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Sex : M

Origin : Indonesia (Sumatra)

Only 12 Euros per Tropical Coleopter ! Lot 5 Chalcosoma atlas keyboh kirbyi males cm 5-5.5 Tropical Insect Coleopter Scarab Rhinoceros Beetle Scarabaeidae Dynastinae.
Also available other species of the genus Chalcosoma, single and in lots, at this link.

Chalcosoma atlas (Linnaeus, 1758) is an insect of the beetle family Scarabaeidae, subfamily Dynastinae.
The larva of this insect feeds on decaying wood (usually deciduous) multiplied hundreds of times their size and making three suits, in ascending order of size; they have powerful mandibles that they use to crush the wood rotting.
Adult males of this species can get to measure up to 12 cm and are shiny black. The peculiarity of this beetle are the two major thoracic horns and the length of the first pair of legs (which are also used in battles with other males), abnormal thing for a Dynastinae. The struggles between the males usually occur for territorial reasons or for mating, and can be very violent. The females however, smaller than males, have no horns, and, unlike the males have the hairs on the elytra and wrinkled chest. In this species so the sexual dimorphism is very marked.
Chalcosoma atlas, being a large insect does not have many enemies. If you feel threatened performs violent movements with the legs and horns and this sometimes just give up because the predator. Another defensive technique of the adults is to rub their wings with the lower part of the abdomen, producing a grinding sound, but this strategy does not work if the predator knows the insect. Furthermore Chalcosoma can leverage their great skill in flight to escape predators. The larvae do not have any of it, and are therefore easy targets. However, being large in size, they can pack violent bites with powerful jaws that can prove fatal for small mammals.
Chalcosoma atlas live in South Asia, in the territory that goes from India to Sulawesi. It prefers forest and humid environments.

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