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Hyles euphorbiae Caterpillar Larva Insect Night Butterfly Sphinx Sphingidae Spurge Hawk-Moth

  • Product Code: Z21756
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Origin : Italy

Size : cm 6.2

Hyles euphorbiae Caterpillar cm 6.2 embalmed Larva Insect Night Butterfly Sphinx Sphingidae Spurge Hawk-Moth, in hingend plexiglas box, cm 7.5 x 3 x 3 h, only a piece, as in photos.
Family: Sphingidae.
Common name:
The Spurge Hawk-Moth.
Syn. Sphinx euphorbiae, Sphinx esulae, Deilephila esulae, Celerio euphorbiae, Deilephila euphorbiae.

Excellent naturalistic preparation, specimen put in place with a treatment designed to reproduce the colors and appearance of the animal as in life.
P.S. For merely illustrative purposes, the adult butterfly that originates from the caterpillar, not for sale and not available.

If you want to collect your insects in this way after having posed them, instead of in the entomological boxes with the classic pin, you can find in our catalog equipment plasticine (if you don't want to glue them to the plastic bottom) and various transparent plexiglas boxes.
Other insects, already prepared in a box, you can find them at this link.

The Sphinx of the Euphorbia (Hyles euphorbiae (Linnaeus, 1756)) is a moth belonging to the Sphingidae family, subfamily Macroglossinae, widespread in Eurasia and North Africa.
It is used as an agent in the biological fight against Euphorbia esula.
Species similar to Hyles gallii, with front wings 35-37 mm long and with the presence of olive-green spots on a light gray background. The rear wings differ to present a wide red band. The caterpillar is smooth and black with numerous white spots.
It is a typical species of the Mediterranean region. Every year it migrates north through the Alps.
The caterpillar develops during the summer and sometimes until October, eating various species of euphorbia. The first generation starts flying towards the end of spring, the second, however, throughout the summer.
Hyles euphorbiae euphorbiae
Hyles euphorbiae conspicua

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