Sex : M
Origin : Indonesia (Kalimantan)
Chalcosoma mollenkampi cm 8-9 Tropical Insect Coleopter Scarab Rhinoceros Beetle Scarabaeidae Dynastinae. Also available other species of the genus Chalcosoma, single and in lots, at this link. Common name: Moellenkampi Beetle or Three-Horned Rhinoceros Beetle. Chalcosoma moellenkampi is one of the three large species of south-east Asian rhinoceros beetles belonging to the genus Chalcosoma. The C. moellenkampi belong to the family Scarabaeidae, subfamily Dynastinae. They are characterized by having two large horns projected forward on the pronotum or thorax, and another long horn protruding upwards on the head. They also have a distinct metallic luster, which is the reason behind the name of their genus, which derives from the Greek chalkós, which means copper. Unlike its close relatives, C. atlas C. caucasus and C. engganensis, C. moellenkampi has a limited geographical distribution only in the Borneo region. Chalcosoma moellenkampi can reach about the same size as C. atlas, and males can measure up to 11 cm. The largest species of the genus is Chalcosoma caucasus, where males can occasionally reach 13 cm. Females are much smaller than males, usually only 4.5-5 cm and horns are missing. Unlike males, which in Chalcosoma can be distinguished from one another using the features listed below, females are very similar in the three Chalcosoma species and can usually be distinguished from one another by specialists. Like other similar species, the large males of C. moellenkampi are very aggressive to each other, using their large horns to stumble the opponent with their long front legs while trying to block the rival between the 3 horns. Once successful, he then tries to throw the rival out of the branch or turn it over on its back. Small males are more peaceful: they lack the great horns to fight with, they rely on stealth, avoiding physical confrontation and trying instead to mate with females while the big males are busy fighting each other. They live in rainforests and palm plantations, and males and females usually meet at feeding sites, such as injured trees, where beetles drink sap. They reach new areas by flying at night.
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