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Cat: other coleopters
Silpha tristis Insect Coleopter Carrion Burying Beetle

Silpha tristis cm 1,2-1,6 Insect Coleopter Carrion Burying Beetle....

Cat: Nymphalidae
Siproeta epaphus Insect Tropical Butterfly Nymphalid Brush-Footed Nymphalidae

Siproeta epaphus one wing lenght cm 3.5-3.7 Insect Tropical ...

Cat: Nymphalidae
Siproeta stelenes Tropical Insect Malachite Butterfly Nymphalid Brush-Footed Nymphalidae

Siproeta stelenes Malachite Butterfly Tropical Insect one wing...

Cat: Scarabaeinae
Sisyphus schaefferi Insect Coleopter Scarab True Dung Beetle

Sisyphus schaefferi mm 8-11 Insect Coleopter Scarab True Dung...

Cat: Curculionidae
4,50 3,50

Sitophilus  granarius mm 3-5 Insect Coleopter True Weevil Snout...

Cat: Chrysomelidae
Smaragdina flavicollis Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle

Smaragdina flavicollis mm 8-11 Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle.

Cat: Anisoptera
Somatochlora metallica Insect Emerald Dragonfly Odonata Anisoptera Spiketail

Somatochlora metallica Emerald Dragonfly cm 5-5.5 wing span cm 5-8...

Cat: Lucanidae
Sphaenognathus feisthamelii (1) Stag Beetle Tropical Insect Coleopter Lucanidae

Sphaenognathus feisthamelii cm 5.5-6 Stag Beetle Tropical Insect...

Cat: Lucanidae
Sphaenognathus feisthamelii (2) Stag Beetle Tropical Insect Coleopter Lucanidae

Sphaenognathus feisthamelii cm 6.1-7 Stag Beetle Tropical Insect...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Sphaenognathus xerophilus Tropical Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle, Long-Horned or Longicorns Cerambycidae

Rare ! Sphaenognathus xerophilus cm 2.5-2.8 Tropical Insect...

Cat: other coleopters
Sphaeridium scarabaeoides Insect Coleopter mm 4 Water Scavenger Aquatic Beetle

Sphaeridium scarabaeoides mm 5-7 Insect Coleopter mm 4 Water...

Cat: Chrysomelidae
Sphaeroderma rubidum Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle

Sphaeroderma rubidum mm 2-3 Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle.

Cat: Brachycera (flies)
Sphaerophoria scripta

Sphaerophoria scripta mm 8-11 wing span cm 1-1.5. Family: Syrphidae....

Cat: phasmids neuroptera myriapods other
Sphaeropoeus hercules Tropical Giant-Pill Millepede Thousand-Legger Arthropod Diplopod Myriapod

Sphaeropoeus hercules cm 1.8-3.2 Tropical Giant-Pill Millepede ...

Cat: other imenopters
Sphex funerarius Insect Digger Solitary Wasp Hymenoptera Sphecidae

cm 1.5-2.3 Insect Digger Solitary Wasp Hymenoptera Sphecidae ....

Cat: Cerambycidae
Sphingnotus dunningi LARGE Tropical Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle (2)

Sphingnotus dunningi cm 3.1-3.9 Tropical Insect Coleopter Longhorn...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Sphingnotus dunningi Tropical Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle (1)

Sphingnotus dunningi cm 2.3-2.9 Tropical Insect Coleopter Longhorn...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Sphingnotus mirabilis Tropical Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle

Sphingnotus mirabilis cm 1.8-3   Tropical Insect Coleopter...

Cat: Moths
Sphinx ligustri Insect Nocturnal Butterfly Sphinx Hawk Moth Sphingidae

Sphinx ligustri one wing lenght cm  Insect Nocturnal Butterfly...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Spondylis buprestoides Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle

Spondylis buprestoides cm 2-2.5 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle,...

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Cat: Heteroptera (bugs)
Stagonomus bipunctatus Insect Awl Shield Stink Bug Hemipterus Rhynchota Heteroptera Pentatomid

Stagonomus (Dalleria) bipunctatus mm 5-7 Insect Awl Shield Stink Bug...

Cat: other diurnal butterflies
Stalachtis latefasciata Insect Tropical Metalmark Butterfly

Stalachtis latefasciata one wing lenght cm 2.2-2.6 Insect Tropical...

Cat: Heteroptera (bugs)
Staria lunata Insect Awl Shield Stink Bug Hemipterus Rhynchota Heteroptera Pentatomid

Staria lunata mm 4-5 Insect Awl Shield Stink Bug Hemipterus Rhynchota...

Cat: Moths
Stauropus fagi Insect Nocturnal Butterfly Moth Prominents

Stauropus fagi one wing lenght cm 2-3 Insect Nocturnal Butterfly Moth...

Cat: other coleopters
Stegobium paniceum Insect Coleopter Spider Death-Watch Beetle

Stegobium paniceum mm 2-4 Insect Coleopter Spider Death-Watch Beetle....

Cat: Carabidae
Stenolophus teutonus Insect Coleopter Ground Beetle Carabid

Stenolophus teutonus mm 7-8 Insect Coleopter Ground Beetle Carabid.

Cat: Cerambycidae
Stenopterus rufus Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle

Stenopterus rufus mm 9-12 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle,...

Cat: Buprestidae
Sternocera aequisignata Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel Beetle Buprestidae

Sternocera aequisignata cm 3-4,5 Insetto Tropicale Coleottero...

Cat: Buprestidae
Sternocera castanea boucardii Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel Beetle Buprestidae

Sternocera castanea boucardii cm 4-4.5 Tropical Insect Coleopter...

Cat: Buprestidae
Sternocera hildebrandti (1) Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel Beetle Buprestidae

Sternocera hildebrandti cm 3.5-4 Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel...

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