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Blatta orientalis Insect Cockroach Roach Dyctioptera Blattodea Blattidae

  • Product Code: Z26467
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Sex : M

Origin : Italy

Blatta orientalis cm 2 cerci incuded Insect Cockroach Roach Dyctioptera Blattodea Blattidae
Family: Blattidae.
Common name: Oriental Cockroach, Oriental Roach, Asiatic or Asian Cockroach, Blackbeetle, Black Beetle, Shad Roach, Siberian Cockroach, Water Bug.

Blatta orientalis (Linnaeus, 1758), is an insect belonging to the order Blattodea. It is the most common cockroach that infests homes; originally from Russia, it is now widespread throughout the world, especially in temperate climate areas as it prefers colder environments than other species.
The color is brown tending to black. This species presents a sexual dimorphism: while the male has normal wings, the female has very short front wings, atrophic hind wings and both are unable to fly. The length is between 25 and 33 mm. It is characterized by its flattened shape and long thread-like antennae.
The females mature a maximum of 16 eggs in the oothecae, 10 mm long, which are subsequently laid in environments favorable to the development of the offspring.
It is widespread especially in anthropized areas, where its presence is very often linked to poor hygiene conditions. Survival is linked to the abundant presence of water more than other species. It develops in heated homes, where there is plenty of hiding place and food, or in places not exposed to large temperature changes.
This species is relatively lethargic, prefers movement at night and avoids bright environments: its appearance during the day indicates a large infestation. Contrary to popular belief, it is an insect capable of moving easily both on the walls and ceilings of domestic homes. Although adult specimens have a rather significant body mass, they are capable of crossing cracks measuring a few tenths of a millimetre. Compared to other species it is slower and less cautious. It is very voracious, practically omnivorous.

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