Althought this catalog is called Insects for convenience, actually it would be more correct to speak of Arthropods, because in this category we have inserted also other animals as spiders and scorpions, that aren't insects.
Lastly we would like to also point out that we do not sell more than several years insects and other invertebrates living for breeding, so all samples we treat are dead and dried. Therefore, except Vertebrata, that we sell already stuffed, Insects and other Arthropoda we supply them to you dried in coverings or papered in small envelopes.
As far as the prices of Insect Catalog, these are reported to the specimen NOT mounted with wings and legs open in a symmetrical position, as they appear in the photos, which are purely illustrative. This is because the Arthropods, already mounted, are very fragile and easily broken during consigment. Need only think of a butterfly, suspended only for the pin with wings open! So you do not ask us, or do not expect butterflies with open wings, even ready inside a frame (which in any case would have a cost aside), because we do not sell similar items.
For those who don't know technical preparation (not born expert entomologists!), it's available (section Articles and Columns, in homepage on left side) a short Guide for Entomological Preparation (in Italian language, sorry!), free download, as to execute from himself the mounting and the sitting of Arthropods.
After preparation, you can set the animals in various containers of your choice (entomological boxes, boxes of cellophane or plexiglas, frames, diorama, etc.), and for these items we send back you to our Equipment Catalog.
The insects we sell are classified as follows:
A1 (perfect insects, without defects). They are the vast majority and therefore this classification is not reported. For all the others:
A1/A1- (the specimen may have slight imperfections);
A1- (the specimen has slight imperfections);
A1-/A2 (the specimen has imperfections or defects of varying degrees);
A2 (the specimen has defects or damage of varying degrees).
Like for every category, our catalogs are subject to frequent revision, therefore you often come back to visit us if you are searching for novelties.
And now.... good hunting!
Close up
Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
Acronycta (Triaena) cuspis one wing lenght cm 1.8-2 Insect Nocturnal...
Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
Agrius convolvuli one wing lenght cm 4-6 Insect Night Butterfly...
Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
Agrotis ipsilon one wing lenght cm 1.7-2.5 Insect Nocturnal Butterfly...
Cat: Pieridae
Anthocharis cardamines one wing lenght cm 1.7-2 Insect Butterfly...
Cat: Pieridae
Aporia crataegi one wing lenght cm 2.7-3.2 Insect Butterfly Pierid...
Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
Arctomyscis aceris one wing lenght cm 2 Insect Nocturnal Butterfly...
Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
Arctornis l-nigrum one wing lenght cm Insect Nocturnal...
Cat: Nymphalidae
Argynnis Mesoacidalia aglaja one wing lenght cm 2.5-2.7 Insect...
Cat: Nymphalidae
Argynnis paphia one wing lenght cm 2.8-3.3 Insect Brush-Footed or...
Cat: Nymphalidae
5,40€ 4,40€
Argynnis paphia one wing lenght cm 2.8-3.3 Insect Brush-Footed or...
Cat: other diurnal butterflies
Callophrys rubi one wing lenght cm 1.3-1.4 Insect Gossamer-Winged...
Cat: other diurnal butterflies
Celastrina argiolus one wing lenght cm 1.4-1.5 Insect...
Cat: Nymphalidae
Charaxes jasius Male one wing lenght cm 3.5-4 Insect Brush-Footed or...
Cat: Nymphalidae
Charaxes jasius Female one wing lenght cm 3.8-4.2 Insect Brush-Footed...
Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
Chrysodeixis chalcites one wing lenght cm 1.8-2 Insect Nocturnal...
Cat: Nymphalidae
Clossiana euphrosyne one wing lenght cm 2-2.3 Insect Brush-Footed or...
Cat: Nymphalidae
Coenonympha arcania one wing lenght cm 1,5-2 Insect Brush-Footed or...
Cat: Nymphalidae
Coenonympha pamphilus one wing lenght cm 1.2-1.3 Insect Brush-Footed...
Cat: Pieridae
Colias crocea one wing lenght cm 2-2.4 Insect Butterfly Pierid...
Cat: Pieridae
7,90€ 6,90€
Colias crocea one wing lenght cm 2-2.4 Insect Butterfly Pierid...
Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
9,50€ 5,90€
Cossus cossus one wing lenght cm 2.5-3 Insect Nocturnal Butterfly...
Cat: Nymphalidae
Cynthia Vanessa cardui one wing lenght cm 2.5-2.7 Insect ...
Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
Deileptenia ribeata one wing lenght cm 1.5-2 Insect Nocturnal...
Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
Diacrisia sannio one wing lenght cm 1.7-2.5 Insect Nocturnal...
Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
Drepana falcataria one wing lenght cm 1.3-1.7 Insect Nocturnal...
Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
Dysauxes ancilla one wing lenght cm 1.1-1.2 Insect Nocturnal...
Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
Dysgonia algira one wing lenght cm 2-2.3 Insect Nocturnal Butterfly...
Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths
Epicallia villica one wing lenght cm 2.2-3 Insect Nocturnal Butterfly...
Cat: Nymphalidae
Erebia aethiops one wing lenght cm 2-2.5 Insect Brush-Footed or...
Cat: Nymphalidae
6,50€ 5,50€
Erebia aethiops one wing lenght cm 2-2.5 Insect Brush-Footed or...
Displaying 1 to 30 (of 134 products)