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Lot 5 Catoxantha opulenta Giant Tropical Insect Coleopter Jeel Beetle Buprestidae

39,50 27,50
30%  off
  • Product Code: Z26818
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Origin : Malaysia (Cameroon Highlands)

Only 5.50 Euros per Insect ! Lot of 5 Catoxantha opulenta opulenta cm 4.5-5.5 Giant Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel Beetle or Metallic Wood-Boring Beetle Buprestidae.
Common Name: Green-banded Jewel Beetle.
Syn. Catoxantha angusta, Buprestis opulenta.

Also available individually, at this link.

Catoxantha opulenta is a species of jewel beetle belonging to the family Buprestidae, subfamily Chrysochroinae.
C. opulenta can reach a length of about 45 and 60 mm. This beautiful jewel beetle has dark bluish-green metallic elytra with thick and prominent black ribs and two yellow transverse bands. The abdominal sternum is yellow. It bores the wood of Chukrasia velutina and Lagerstroemia speciosa. The life cycle is annual. Adults emerge in June. This insect is present in Thailand, Malaysia, western Indonesia and the Philippines.
Catoxantha opulenta borneensis Kurosawa, 1993
Catoxantha opulenta opulenta (Gory, 1832).

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