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Cat: Geotrupinae
Thorectes hoppei Insect Coleopter Dung Beetle Earth-Boring Scarab

Thorectes hoppei cm 1.3-1.4 Insect Coleopter Dung Beetle Earth-Boring...

Cat: Carabidae
Tomocarabus convexus (1) Carabus Insect Coleopter Ground Beetle Carabid

Tomocarabus Carabus convexus longobardus cm 1.4-1.8 Insect...

Cat: Carabidae
8,50 7,50

Tomocarabus Carabus convexus longobardus cm 1.4-1.8 Insect...

Cat: Cetoniinae
Torynorrhina flammea flammea (1) Tropical Insect Coleopter Beetle Scarab Fruit Flower Chafer

Torynorrhina flammea flammea cm 2.3-2.7 green variety Tropical Insect...

Cat: Cetoniinae
Torynorrhina flammea flammea (2) Tropical Insect Coleopter Beetle Scarab Fruit Flower Chafer

Torynorrhina flammea flammea cm 2.8-3.2 green variety Tropical Insect...

Cat: Curculionidae
Trachelophorus giraffa Pair Tropical Insect Coleopter True Weevil Snout Beetle Curculionidae

Trachelophorus giraffa Couple cm 1-1.5 Tropical Insect Coleopter True...

Cat: Buprestidae
Trachys minutus Insect Coleopter Jewel Beetle Buprestidae

Trachys minutus mm 3-5 Insect Coleopter Jewel Beetle or Metallic...

Cat: Cetoniinae
Trichius fasciatus Insect Coleopter Beetle Scarab Fruit Flower Chafer

Trichius fasciatus cm 1.1-1.5 Insect Coleopter Beetle Scarab Fruit...

Cat: Cetoniinae
Trichius rosaceus Trichius gallicus Insect Coleopter Beetle Scarab Fruit Flower Chafer

Trichius rosaceus cm 1-1.3 Insect Coleopter Beetle Scarab Fruit...

Cat: other coleopters
Trichodes alvearius Insect Coleopter Checkered Beetle

Trichodes alvearius mm 8-10 Insect Coleopter Checkered Beetle ....

Cat: other coleopters
Trichodes apiarius Insect Coleopter Checkered Beetle

Trichodes apiarius cm 1.1-1.3 Insect Coleopter Checkered Beetle ....

Cat: Cerambycidae
Trichoferus holosericeus cinereus Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle

Trichoferus holosericeus cinereus cm 1.5-2 Insect Coleopter Longhorn...

Cat: Dynastinae
Trichogomphus lunicollis alcides Large Tropical Insect Coleopter Scarab Rhinoceros Beetle Scarabaeidae Dynastinae

Trichogomphus lunicollis alcides Large  cm 4-5 Tropical Insect...

Cat: Dynastinae
Trichogomphus martabani Tropical Insect Coleopter Scarab Rhinoceros Beetle Scarabaeidae Dynastinae

Trichogomphus martabani cm 5.2-5.7 Tropical Insect Coleopter Scarab...

Cat: other coleopters
Trictenotoma childreni (1) Insect Coleopter Bark Beetle Trictenotomidae

Trictenotoma childreni cm 3.5-4.5 Insect Coleopter Bark Beetle...

Cat: other coleopters
Trictenotoma childreni (2) Insect Coleopter Bark Beetle Trictenotomidae

Trictenotoma childreni cm 5-6.3 Insect Coleopter Bark Beetle...

Cat: other coleopters
Trictenotoma formosana Insect Coleopter Bark Beetle Trictenotomidae

Trictenotoma fomosana cm 4-5 Insect Coleopter Bark Beetle...

Cat: Cetoniinae
Tropinota hirta Insect Coleopter Beetle Scarab Fruit Flower Chafer

Tropinota hirta cm 1-1.5 Insect Coleopter Beetle Scarab Fruit Flower...

Cat: Cetoniinae
Tropinota squalida Insect Coleopter Beetle Scarab Fruit Flower Chafer

Tropinota squalida cm 1-1.3 Insect Coleopter Beetle Scarab Fruit...

Cat: Geotrupinae
Trypocopris pyrenaeus splendens Insect Coleopter Dung Beetle Earth-Boring Scarab

Trypocopris pyrenaeus splendens  cm 1.5-2 Insect Coleopter Dung...

Cat: Geotrupinae
Trypocopris vernalis Insect Coleopter Dung Beetle Earth-Boring Scarab

Trypocopris vernalis cm 1.7-1.8 Insect Coleopter Dung Beetle...

Cat: Geotrupinae
Typhaeus typhoeus Insect Coleopter Dung Beetle Earth-Boring Scarab

Typhaeus typhoeus Female cm 1.5-2.4 Insect Coleopter Dung Beetle...

Cat: other coleopters
Tytthaspis 16-punctata

Tytthaspis sedecimpunctata mm 3-4 Insect Coleopter Ladybug Ladybird...

Cat: other coleopters
Uloma culinaris Insect Coleopter Darkling Comb-Clawed Beetle

Uloma culinaris mm 9-12 Insect Coleopter Darkling Comb-Clawed Beetle....

Cat: Cetoniinae
Valgus hemipterus Insect Coleopter Beetle Scarab Fruit Flower Chafer

Valgus hemipterus mm 7-8 Insect Coleopter Beetle Scarab Fruit...

Cat: other coleopters
Vibidia 12-guttata Insect Coleopter Ladybug Ladybird Beetle

Vibidia duodecimguttata mm 3-4 Insect Coleopter Ladybug Ladybird...

Cat: Cerambycidae
6,50 5,70

Xylotrechus stebbingi cm 1.5-2 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle,...

Cat: Dynastinae
Xylotrupes florensis Tropical Insect Coleopter Scarab Rhinoceros Beetle

Xylotrupes florensis cm 3-4.5 Tropical Insect Coleopter Scarab...

Cat: Dynastinae
Xylotrupes gideon gideon Tropical Coleopter Insect Scarab Rhinoceros Beetle

Xylotrupes gideon gideon cm 5-5.5 Tropical Insect Coleopter Scarab...

Cat: Dynastinae
Xylotrupes gideon sumatrensis Tropical Insect Coleopter Scarab Rhinoceros Beetle

Xylotrupes gideon sumatrensis cm 6-6.8 Tropical Insect Coleopter...

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