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Cat: Lucanidae
Prosopocoilus lateralis lorquinii Stag Beetle Tropical Insect Coleopter Lucanidae

Prosopocoilus lateralis lorquinii cm 3-4 Stag Beetle Tropical Insect...

Cat: Lucanidae
Prosopocoilus myrmecoleon Stag Beetle Tropical Insect Coleopter Lucanidae

Prosopocoilus (Hoplitocranum) myrmecoleon cm 4-4.5 Stag Beetle...

Cat: Lucanidae
12,50 9,50

Prosopocoilus natalensis cm 2.7-3.7 Stag Beetle Tropical Insect...

Cat: Lucanidae
15,50 11,50

Prosopocoilus natalensis cm 3.8-4.5 Stag Beetle Tropical Insect...

Cat: Lucanidae
Prosopocoilus umhangi (1) LARGE Stag Beetle Tropical Insect Coleopter Lucanidae

Prosopocoilus umhangi LARGE cm 5.7-6.4 Stag Beetle Tropical Insect...

Cat: Lucanidae
Prosopocoilus umhangi (1) Stag Beetle Tropical Insect Coleopter Lucanidae

Prosopocoilus umhangi cm 5-5.5 Stag Beetle Tropical Insect Coleopter...

Cat: Cetoniinae
Protaetia Cetonischema speciosissima Insect Coleopter Beetle Scarab Fruit Flower Chafer

Protaetia Cetonischema speciosissima cm 2.6-2.8 Insect Coleopter...

Cat: Cetoniinae
Protaetia morio Netocia Cetonia Insect Coleopter Beetle Scarab Fruit Flower Chafer

Protaetia morio cm 1.3-1.6 Insect Coleopter Beetle Scarab Fruit...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Pseudovadonia livida pecta Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle

Pseudovadonia livida pecta mm 6-8 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle,...

Cat: Buprestidae
Psiloptera sumptuosa gema Polybothris Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel Beetle Buprestidae

Psiloptera (Polybothris) sumptuosa var. gema, cm 3.1-3.6 Tropical...

Cat: Buprestidae
Psiloptera sumptuosa Polybothris Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel Beetle Buprestidae

Psiloptera sumptuosa cm 3.2-3.6 Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel...

Cat: other coleopters
Psyllobora (Thea) 22-punctata Insect Coleopter Ladybug Ladybird Beetle

Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata mm 2-4 Insect Coleopter Ladybug...

Cat: Carabidae
Pterostichus cristatus micans Insect Coleopter Ground Beetle Carabid

Pterostichus cristatus micans cm 1.3 Insect Coleopter Ground Beetle...

Cat: Carabidae
Pterostichus nigrita Insect Coleopter Ground Beetle Carabid

Pterostichus nigrita cm 1-1.2 Insect Coleopter Ground Beetle...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Purpuricenus kaehleri litoralis Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle

Purpuricenus kaehleri litoralis cm 1.5-2 Insect Coleopter Longhorn...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Rhagium inquisitor Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle

Rhagium inquisitor cm 1.2-1.4 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle,...

Cat: other coleopters
Rhagonycha fulva Insect Coleopter Soldier Beetle Leatherwings

Rhagonycha fulva cm 1-1.2 Insect Coleopter Soldier Beetle...

Cat: other coleopters
Rhantus pulverosus Insect Coleopter Water Tiger Predaceous Diving Beetle

Rhantus pulverosus cm 1-1.3 Insect Coleopter Water Tiger Predaceous...

Cat: Curculionidae
12,90 9,90

Rhinoscapha dohrni cm 2-2.4 Tropical Insect Coleopter True Weevil...

Cat: Chrysomelidae
Sagra femoralis Tropical Frog-leg Coleopter Insect Leaf Beetle

Sagra femoralis cm 1.2-2.5 Tropical Insect Frog-Leg Coleopter Leaf...

Cat: Chrysomelidae
8,50 7,50

Sagra laticollis cm 1.5-2 Tropical Frog-Leg Beetle Insect Coleopter...

Cat: other coleopters
Saprinus detersus Insect Coleopter Clown Beetle Hister Beetle

Saprinus detersus mm 5 Insect Coleopter Clown Beetle Hister Beetle ...

Cat: other coleopters
Scaphidium quadrimaculatum Insect Coleopter Rove Beetle

Scaphidium quadrimaculatum mm 5-6 Insect Coleopter Rove Beetle....

Cat: Scarabaeinae
Scarabaeus semipunctatus Insect Coleopter Scarab True Dung Beetle

Scarabaeus semipunctatus cm 1.6-2.2 Insect Coleopter Scarab True...

Cat: other coleopters
Silpha carinata Insect Coleopter Carrion Burying Beetle

Silpha carinata cm 1.5-2 Insect Coleopter Carrion Burying Beetle ....

Cat: other coleopters
Silpha tristis Insect Coleopter Carrion Burying Beetle

Silpha tristis cm 1,2-1,6 Insect Coleopter Carrion Burying Beetle....

Cat: Scarabaeinae
Sisyphus schaefferi Insect Coleopter Scarab True Dung Beetle

Sisyphus schaefferi mm 8-11 Insect Coleopter Scarab True Dung...

Cat: Curculionidae
4,50 3,50

Sitophilus  granarius mm 3-5 Insect Coleopter True Weevil Snout...

Cat: Chrysomelidae
Smaragdina flavicollis Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle

Smaragdina flavicollis mm 8-11 Insect Coleopter Leaf Beetle.

Cat: Lucanidae
Sphaenognathus feisthamelii (1) Stag Beetle Tropical Insect Coleopter Lucanidae

Sphaenognathus feisthamelii cm 5.5-6 Stag Beetle Tropical Insect...

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