Origin : Italy (Lazio)
Oedemera nobilis mm 8-10 Insect Coleoptet False Blister Pollen-Feeding Beetle Oedemeridae. Family: Oedemeridae. The Oedemeridae family is a cosmopolitan group of insects. It includes about 100 kinds for 1,500 species; their name is mostly associated with rotting wood, where their larvae live, even though adults are quite common on flowers. The larvae of most genera are woodland xylophagius organisms in an advanced state of decomposition. In adults are contained toxic substances in body fluids as a defensive mechanism and have spectacular colors: metallic blue and bright, green, gold or copper, often in combination with yellow, orange or red. In temperate regions, adults are diurnal and polyphagous: they feed mainly on pollen and nectar.
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