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Papilio polytes ledebouria Insect Tropical Butterfly Papilionidae Swallowtail

  • Product Code: Z22766
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Sex : M / F

Origin : Philippines (Marinduque)

Papilio polytes ledebouria one wing lenght cm 4.5-5 Insect Tropical Butterfly Papilionidae Swallowtail.
Common name: The Common Mormon.

Papilio polytes (Linnaeus, 1758) is a species of swallowtail butterfly widely distributed throughout Asia.
The common name is an allusion to the polygamy practiced by members of the sect of Mormons: the scientific name derives from the Greek words poly (many).
The male has only one form of dark color dovetail with a series of white spots decreasing in size towards the apex. Males are generally smaller than females, but not always. Both males and all forms of female P. polytes can vary greatly in size, depending on the climatic region. The female is rather polymorphic. In the Indian subcontinent, it has three forms or morphs: the cyrus shape, stichius shape and form Romulus.
This species also has considerable genetic variability and is known to produce gynandromorphis, or genetic aberrations that are male part and female part.
This butterfly is also known for the classic camouflage Batesian of his many female forms, so the edible species are similar, and a lesser number of unpleasant butterflies in order to avoid being eaten by predators, as these have a greater chance of preying on unpleasant model and with it the learning of their not edibility. Mimicry both form that the flight patterns.
The Common Mormon prefers wooded areas, but it is also a regular visitor to gardens, being particularly abundant in citrus groves.
 P. p. alcindor Oberthür, 1879 – Buton, Salayer & Sulawesi
 P. p. alphenor Cramer, [1776] – Philippines
 P. p. javanus Felder, 1862 – Bali, Bangka, Biliton, Java & southern Sumatra
 P. p. ledebouria Eschscholtz, 1821 – Philippines
 P. p. liujidongi Huang, 2003 – Yunnan
 P. p. mandane Rothschild, 1895 – western China
 P. p. messius Fruhstorfer, 1909 – Lombok
 P. p. nicanor C. & R. Felder, 1865 – Bachan, Halmahera, Morotai, Obi & Ternate
 P. p. nikobarus C. Felder, 1862 – Nicobar Islands
 P. p. pasikrates Fruhstorfer, 1908 – Philippines (Batanes) & Taiwan
 P. p. perversus Rothschild, 1895 – Sangir & Talaud
 P. p. polycritos Fruhstorfer, 1902 – Banggai, Sula Is.
 P. p. polytes Linnaeus, 1758 – Indo-China, China & Taiwan
 P. p. romulus Cramer, [1775] – India, Burma & Ceylon
 P. p. sotira Jordan, 1909 – Sumbawa
 P. p. steffi (Page & Treadaway, 2003) – Bongao, Sibutu & Tawitawi in the Philippines
 P. p. stichioides Evans, 1927 – South Andamans
 P. p. theseus Cramer, [1777] – Sumatra & Borneo
 P. p. timorensis C. & R. Felder, 1864 – Babar Islands, Wetar, Leti, & possibly Timor
 P. p. tucanus Jordan, 1909 – Tukangbesi Islands
 P. p. vigellius Fruhstorfer, 1909 – Bawean

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