Origin : China (FuShun, Liaoning) - Italy
Inachis io one wing lenght cm 2.5-3 Insect Brush-Footed or Four-Footed Butterfly Ninfalid Nymphalidae. Common name: Peacock's Eye. Syn. Aglais io, Nymphalis io, Vanessa io. It is a well-known colorful butterfly of the family Nymphalidae, inhabitant of the temperate zones of Europe and Asia. It is the only species of the genus Inachis by some authors considered synonymous with Nymphalis. Its specific epithet refers to Io, a priestess of Juno's legendary beauty. The angles of the wings are adorned by four showy colorful spots in the shape of an eye. These spots, called ocelli, have a protective function against predators. It is widespread in the temperate zones of Europe and Asia, to Japan. In Italy it is quite common in almost all regions. Can meet in the woods, fields, meadows, pastures, parks and gardens, from the plains up to 2500 meters.
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