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Erebia aethiops (1) Insect Butterfly Nymphalid Brush-Footed Nymphalidae Satyrinae

  • Product Code: Z22177
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Sex : F

Origin : Italy (Lombardia)

Erebia aethiops one wing lenght cm 2-2.5 Insect Brush-Footed or Four-Footed Butterfly Nymphalid Nymphalidae Satyrinae.
Subfamily: Satyrinae or Satyridae.
Common name: The Scotch Argus.
Syn. Papilio ocellatus, Papilio blandina, Papilio medea, Erebia alcyone, Erebia neoridas, Erebia flavescens, Erebia obsoleta, Erebia ochracea, Erebia freyeri, Erebia fritschi, Erebia cosinida, Erebia depupillata, Erebia magna, Erebia biocellata, Erebia reducta, Erebia albofasciata, Erebia perfumosa, Erebia purpurea, Erebia infasciata, Erebia pupillifer, Erebia amplevittata, Erebia inocellata, Erebia binotata, Erebia demarginata, Erebia enucleata, Erebia mesorubria, Erebia jigodini, Erebia magdalena.

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