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Pheosia gnoma Insect Nocturnal Butterfly Moth Prominents Notodontidae

  • Product Code: Z25493
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Origin : Italy (Lombardia)

Pheosia gnoma one wing lenght cm 2.3-2.5 Insect Nocturnal Butterfly Moth Prominents Notodontidae.
Family: Notodontidae
Common name: The Lesser Swallow Prominent.

The imago can be easily confused with Pheosia tremula but P. gnoma is usually smaller, and the ground colour has usually less brown in it. The chief character by which it may be distinguished is the broader and clearer white wedge-shaped mark between veins 1 and 2 on the forewings of P. gnoma.
The host plant of the lesser swallow prominent is the birch (Betula) (British Isles), Betula pendula (Finland) Betula pubescens (Finland).
The moth survives winter as a pupa underground.

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