![]() All ProductsCat: one piece tumbled stones 17,80€ 14,50€ Astrophyllite one Piece Large 26-35 gr - cm 2.8-3.5 Tumbled... Cat: Crustacea (barnacles crab, crayfish) 19,50€ Red Egg Crab Atergatis integerrimus Crustacea Decapoda Brachyura... Cat: tumble stones pendants 25,80€ Atlantisite Pendant 13 gr - cm 3 Costume Jewerly Necklaces Worked... Cat: tumble stones pendants 25,80€ Atlantisite Pendant 11.8 gr - cm 2.8 Costume Jewerly Necklaces Worked... Cat: tumble stones pendants 25,80€ Atlantisite Pendant 13.6 gr - cm 3 Costume Jewerly Necklaces Worked... Cat: tumble stones pendants 25,80€ Atlantisite Pendant 14.5 gr - cm 3.1 Costume Jewerly Necklaces Worked... Cat: Formicidae (ants) 11,80€ Atta cephalotes mm 12-14 Leaf Cutter Ant Worker Tropical Insect... Cat: Formicidae (ants) 17,50€ Atta laevigata mm 25-30 Leaf Cutter winged Ant Queen Tropical Insect... Cat: Formicidae (ants) 9,50€ Atta sexdens cm 1.2-1.5 Leaf Cutter Ant Worker Tropical Insect... Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths 28,90€ Attacus atlas Female one wing lenght cm 10-11.5 Giant Moth Insect... Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths 25,90€ 12,50€ Attacus atlas Male one wing lenght cm 10-11.5 Giant Moth Insect... Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths 28,90€ 21,50€ Attacus atlas Female one wing lenght cm 10-11.5 Giant Moth Insect... Cat: Caelifera (locusts) 16,50€ Aularches punctatus cm 5-6 wing span cm 8-9 Tropical Insect Locust... Cat: raw crystals 15,50€ Aura Flame Rainbow Crystal Quartz Cluster shaped with titanium ... Cat: raw crystals 17,50€ Aura Flame Rainbow Crystal Quartz Cluster shaped with titanium ... Cat: laser crystals 6,50€ Rainbow Aura Lemurian Crystal Quartz with Titanium and Gold 5.4 gr -... Cat: laser crystals 6,90€ Rainbow Aura Lemurian Crystal Quartz with Titanium and Gold 3.8 gr -... Cat: laser crystals 7,30€ Rainbow Aura Lemurian Crystal Quartz with Titanium and Gold 5.6 gr -... Cat: laser crystals 7,30€ Rainbow Aura Lemurian Crystal Quartz with Titanium and Gold 5.9 gr -... Cat: druzes 38,00€ Druse of Rainbow Aura Crystal Quartz with Titanium and Gold 36.8 gr... Cat: druzes 37,50€ Druse of Rainbow Aura Crystal Quartz with Titanium and Gold ... Cat: druzes 48,50€ Druse of Rainbow Aura Crystal Quartz with Titanium and Gold 140.4 gr... Cat: druzes 39,90€ Druse of Rainbow Aura Crystal Quartz with Titanium and Gold 40 gr -... Cat: druzes 42,50€ Druse of Rainbow Aura Crystal Quartz with Titanium and Gold ... Cat: druzes 53,60€ Druse of Rainbow Aura Crystal Quartz with Titanium and Gold 76.5 gr... Cat: druzes 45,50€ Druse of Rainbow Aura Crystal Quartz with Titanium and Gold ... Cat: geodes 6,90€ Little Geode of Rainbow Aura Crystal Quartz 12 gr mm 39 x 22 x 16 Raw... Cat: geodes 7,00€ Little Geode of Rainbow Aura Crystal Quartz 15.2 gr mm 40 x 32 x 13... Cat: geodes 6,90€ Little Geode of Rainbow Aura Crystal Quartz 10 gr mm 32 x 25 x 12 Raw... Cat: geodes 6,90€ Little Geode of Rainbow Aura Crystal Quartz 9.6 gr mm 34 x 25 x 16... |
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