![]() SpecialsCat: tools and equipments 6,50€ 5,50€ Lot 5 Pieces Pasteur Graduated Pipettes Dropper for Analysis... Cat: Chrysomelidae 8,50€ 7,50€ Sagra laticollis cm 1.5-2 Tropical Frog-Leg Beetle Insect Coleopter... Cat: pots and bottles 4,50€ 3,80€ Lot 5 Pieces Cylindrical 5 ml opaque Plastic Capped Test Tubes Vial... Cat: fossil stocks and in boxes 67,60€ 37,50€ Only 7.50 Euros for piece! Lot 5 Triceratops Fossil Bones Horned... Cat: raw single piece 16,50€ 14,50€ Shungite 1 Piece 21.7 gr - mm 37 x 24 x 18 Raw Minerals Stones Rocks... Cat: figured stones 47,50€ 39,50€ Picture Stone Slice Slab 27 gr - mm 71 x 30 x 4 Minerals Figured... Cat: figured stones 39,50€ 33,50€ Picture Stone Slice Slab 38.7 gr - mm 52 x 51 x 6 Minerals... Cat: sauropods and theropods 625,00€ 570,00€ Fossil Dinosaur Tooth mm 26 x 10 x 7 Tyrannosaurus T-rex ... Cat: sauropods and theropods 400,40€ 375,00€ Fossil Dinosaur Tooth mm 19 x 11 x 7 Tyrannosaurus T-rex ... Cat: fossil stocks and in boxes 87,40€ 41,80€ Only 3.80 Euros for piece! Lot 11 Triceratops Fossil Bones Horned... Cat: gift ideas books 130,90€ 84,00€ Gift Idea ! Collection 10 different Shark Teeth Current and Fossil... Cat: fossil stocks and in boxes 61,50€ 49,50€ Lot 3 Fossil Bones Ichthyosaur Prehistoric Sea-Reptile ... Cat: lots kits and packaging 79,60€ 37,00€ Package Worked Minerals with 20 Tumbled Stones for Crystaltherapy, a... Cat: gift ideas 71,20€ 65,00€ Gift Idea ! Roundleaf Bat Hypposideos larvatus cm 10.4-10.8 Mammalia... Cat: gift ideas books 127,50€ 86,60€ Only 3.30 Euros per Shell + Book ! Collection of 30 Seashells of... Cat: gift ideas books 93,30€ 69,50€ Only 3.50 Euros per Shell + Book ! Collection of 20 Seahells of... Bison priscus Fossil Bone Tibia Prehistoric Steppe Bison Megafauna Pleistocene Quaternary Collection Cat: artiodactyls (bisons deers llamas) 415,00€ 360,00€ Tibia Bone Fossil Prehistoric Steppe Bison cm 51 x 14 x 8 - gr 2400... Cat: geodes 455,50€ 399,00€ Celestine Geode Extra quality 4277 gr - cm 21.5 x 16 x 9.5 Crystals... Cat: Ammonoidea (ammonites) 295,00€ 275,00€ Ammonite XL Fossil Seashell Double sectioned Pair mm 185 diam. gr 629... Cat: Proboscidea (mammoth elephants) 174,00€ 153,00€ Mammuthus Tooth Fossil Prehistoric Woolly Elephant cm 6.8 x 6.4 x 4.9... Cat: butterflies 118,50€ 99,00€ Only 33 Euros per Butterfly ! Lot 3 Morpho didius one wing lenght cm... Cat: lots and packages 23,70€ 12,50€ Only 2.50 Euros for Minerals ! Lot 5 Pieces Shungite Élite ... Cat: gift ideas 58,20€ 50,50€ Gift Idea ! Roundleaf Bat Skull Hypposideos diadema cm 3-3.5... Cat: lots kits and packaging 29,20€ 14,50€ Pocket Kit Worked Minerals for Crystaltherapy with representative... Cat: lots kits and packaging 29,40€ 14,50€ Pocket Kit Worked Minerals for Crystaltherapy with representative... Cat: lots kits and packaging 162,40€ 61,50€ Bargain! The one kilo lot consists of 20 different types of... Cat: Asteroidea (starfish) 37,40€ 31,00€ Oreaster reticulatus Large Giant Starfish Red Cushion Star Fish ... Cat: Echinoidea (sea-urchins) 6,90€ 5,70€ Sphaerechinus granularis Violet Sea Urchin cm 4.5-6.5 Sea... Cat: Asteroidea (starfish) 31,20€ 25,00€ Echinaster luzonicus cm 30-35 Giant Star Fish Starfish Sea... Cat: Crustacea (barnacles crab, crayfish) 39,50€ 29,50€ Long Arms Crab Parthenope longimanus Crustacea Decapoda... |
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