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Cat: Buprestidae
Sternocera aequisignata Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel Beetle Buprestidae

Sternocera aequisignata cm 3-4,5 Insetto Tropicale Coleottero...

Cat: Buprestidae
Sternocera castanea boucardii Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel Beetle Buprestidae

Sternocera castanea boucardii cm 4-4.5 Tropical Insect Coleopter...

Cat: Buprestidae
Sternocera hildebrandti (1) Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel Beetle Buprestidae

Sternocera hildebrandti cm 3.5-4 Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel...

Cat: Buprestidae
14,70 11,50

Sternocera hildebrandti cm 3.5-4 Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel...

Cat: Buprestidae
Sternocera orissa lutifera Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel Beetle Buprestidae

Sternocera orissa lutifera cm 3-3.7 Insetto Tropicale Coleottero...

Cat: Buprestidae
Sternocera pulchra fischeri Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel Beetle Buprestidae

Sternocera pulchra fischeri cm 3-4 Tropical Insect Coleopter Jewel...

Cat: other diurnal butterflies
Stichophthalma neumogeni Insect Tropical Butterfly Amathusiini

Stichophthalma neumogeni neumogeni one wing lenght cm 5-6.5 Insect...

Cat: Homoptera (cicades)
Stictocephala bisonia Insect Cicada Hemipterus Rhynchota Homoptera Membracidae

Stictocephala bisonia mm 8-10 Insect Cicada Hemipterus Rhynchota...

Cat: raw crystals
Stilbite (2) Crystals Raw Minerals Stones Rocks Collecting

Stilbite Crystals 85 gr - cm 8 x 3.5 Raw Minerals Stones Rocks...

Cat: raw crystals
Stilbite (3) Crystals Raw Minerals Stones Rocks Collecting

Stilbite Crystals 26.5 gr - cm 5.6 x 3 x 2 Raw Minerals Stones...

Cat: raw crystals
Stilbite (7) Crystals Raw Minerals Stones Rocks Collecting

Stilbite Crystals  27.5 gr - cm 5.2 x 1.9 x 2.9 Raw Minerals...

Cat: raw crystals
Stilbite (8) Crystals Raw Minerals Stones Rocks Collecting

Stilbite Crystals  19.5 gr - cm 5.5 x 4 x 2 Raw Minerals Stones...

Cat: raw crystals
Stilbite (9) Crystals Raw Minerals Stones Rocks Collecting

Stilbite Crystals  18 gr - cm 5.5 x 3.7 x 2.8 Raw Minerals...

Cat: other imenopters
Stilbum cyanurum Insect Solitary Cuckoo Wasp Parasitoid Hymenopterus Crysididae

Stilbum cyanurum cm 2-2.2 Insect Solitary Cuckoo Wasp Parasitoid...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Strangalia bifasciata Stenurella Leptura Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle Cerambycidae

Strangalia bifasciata mm 6-11 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Strangalia maculata Stenurella Leptura Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle Cerambycidae

Leptura maculata cm 1.5-1.7 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Strangalia melanura (1) Stenurella Leptura Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle Cerambycidae

Strangalia melanura mm 6-12 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle...

Cat: Cerambycidae
5,70 4,80

Strangalia melanura mm 6-12 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle...

Cat: Cerambycidae
Strangalia nigra Stenurella Leptura Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle Cerambycidae

Strangalia nigra mm 6-10 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle,...

Cat: raw single piece
Strawberry Quartz 1 Piece Raw Minerals Stones Rocks Collecting (1)

Strawberry Quartz 1 Piece 10-20 gr - cm 2-4 Raw Minerals Stones Rocks...

Cat: raw single piece
Strawberry Quartz 1 Piece Raw Minerals Stones Rocks Collecting (2)

Strawberry Quartz 1 Piece 21-30 gr - cm 2-4.5 Raw Minerals Stones...

Cat: raw single piece
Strawberry Quartz 1 Piece Raw Minerals Stones Rocks Collecting (3)

Strawberry Quartz 1 Piece 31-40 gr - cm 2.5-5.5 Raw Minerals Stones...

Cat: shaped tumble stones pendants
Strawberry Quartz Chocolate Pendant Costume Jewerly Necklaces Worked Tumbled Stones Minerals Crystaltherapy

Strawberry Quartz Chocolate-shaped Pendant 3.5-4 gr - cm 2-2.5...

Cat: shaped tumble stones pendants
Strawberry Quartz Cross Pendant Costume Jewerly Necklaces Worked Tumbled Stones Minerals Crystaltherapy

Strawberry Quartz Cross-shaped Pendant 3-3.4 gr - about cm 2.5 x 1.8...

Cat: pendulums or pendants
Strawberry Quartz Pendulum Radieshtesia Tumbled Stone Worked Minerals Crystaltherapy

Strawberry small Pendulum Radiesthesia pendant 5-6 gr - cm...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Streptopelia decaocto (2) Turtleove Skull Birds Aves Columbiformes Columbidae

Eurasian Collared Dove Skull Streptopelia decaocto cm 4.7 Birds Aves...

Cat: Aves (birds)
Streptopelia decaocto (3) Turtleove Skull Birds Aves Columbiformes Columbidae

Eurasian Collared Dove Skull Streptopelia decaocto cm 5.1 Birds Aves...

Cat: loons and turtledoves
Streptopelia turtur Turtle-Dove Birds Aves Columbiformes Columbidae

Stuffed Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur Birds Aves Columbiformes...

Cat: other gastropods
Strigatella litterata Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Mitre Miter Shell

Strigatella litterata mm 15-20 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Mitre...

Cat: stone hand-made other
Stromatolite Prokaryotes Cyanobacteria Fossil Algae Mat Cambrian Collection (1)

Stromatolites Prokaryotes Algae Cyanobacteria Fossils mm 22 x 21 x 15...

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