![]() NAVBAR_TITLE - ShellsCat: gasteropods 20,80€ 13,00€ Only 1.30 Euro per Shell ! Lot 10 Neritina communis mm 10-25 ... Cat: other gastropods 4,50€ Clanculus puniceus mm 15-20 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Top-Snail... Cat: Conidae 7,50€ Conus generalis maldivus mm 55-65 Seashell Gastropoda... Cat: other gastropods 2,10€ Neritina communis mm 10-15 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail... Cat: other gastropods 4,40€ Architectonica perspectiva mm 40-45 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod... Cat: other gastropods 7,80€ Babylonia areolata mm 60-75 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Whelk... Cat: Pulmonata (snails) 22,90€ Asperitas bimaensis cochlostyloides f. viridis mm 33 Land Snail... Cat: gasteropods 2,50€ Only 0.50 Euros per Shell ! Lot 5 Bittium reticulatum mm 5-12... Cat: Cypraeidae 4,90€ Cypraea poraria mm 13-18 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry ... Cat: Pulmonata (snails) 5,70€ Liguus virgineus mm 30-50 Land Snail Terrestrial Shell Tropical... Cat: Cypraeidae 7,20€ Cypraea ziczac mm 12-16 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry... Cat: Cephalopoda (argonauta, nautilus, spirula, cuttlefish) 6,30€ Spirula spirula mm 20-25 Seashell Sea Snail Cephalopod Octopus Squid... Cat: bivalves and brachiopods 9,00€ 7,00€ Only 0.70 Euros per Shell ! Lot 10 Anadara granosa mm 25-35, single... Cat: Cypraeidae 4,50€ Cypraea asellus mm 14-18 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry... Cat: Cypraeidae 6,30€ Cypraea onyx mm 30-40 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry ... Cat: other gastropods 0,70€ Acmaea saccharina mm 20-30 Star Limpet Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod... Cat: Cypraeidae 4,90€ Cypraea nucleus mm 17-20 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry... Cat: Cypraeidae 8,90€ Cypraea cribaria mm 20-25 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry ... Cat: opercula eye cat seashells 9,90€ Operculum mm 37-50 XXL Eye's Cat Seashell Gastropoda Seashell Sea... Cat: Cypraeidae 7,10€ Cypraea diluculum mm 20-22 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry... Cat: Cypraeidae 9,80€ Cypraea carneola leviathan mm 50-60 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail... Cat: Pectinidae (scallops) 5,70€ 3,50€ Pecten pallium mm 40-50 Seashell Bivalve Scallop Comb Clam Pectinid... Cat: mixed shells 14,40€ Wicker Basket diameter 20-22 cm with Seashells, mixed specimens, both... Cat: other bivalves (spiny oysters tellins etc.) 5,60€ Lamellidens marginalis mm 130-140 Pearlized Silver Nacre Freshwater... Cat: Conidae 7,50€ Conus capitaneus mm 45-55 Seashell Gastropoda Cone Sea Snail ... Cat: Cardiidae (cockles) 3,10€ Corculum cardissa mm 35-45 Seashell Bivalve Clam Thistle True Cockle... Cat: Cypraeidae 4,80€ Cypraea lutea mm 10-15 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry... Cat: Cypraeidae 5,90€ Cypraea boivini mm 20-25 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry ... Cat: gift ideas books 93,50€ 68,50€ Only 4.60 Euros for Shell ! Collection 15 Cowries Seashells Cypraea... Cat: other gastropods 5,00€ Distorsio anus mm 40-60 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropoda Distorsio Snail... Cat: other gastropods 5,00€ Phalium areola mm 55-60 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Helmet Shell... Cat: Cypraeidae 9,90€ Cypraea argus rariocellata mm 50-60 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail... Cat: mixed shells 20,30€ 16,50€ Less than 7 Cents per Shell ! Package 500 gr Mixed Tropical Seashells... Cat: gasteropods 16,60€ Only 0.80 Euros per Shell ! Lot 100 gr Rhinoclavis vertagus mm 30-55... Cat: mixed shells 14,00€ Packaging 250 gr mixed Tropical White Seashells Gastropods Snails... Cat: Cypraeidae 4,90€ Cypraea isabella mm 23-28 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry ... Cat: Cypraeidae 5,10€ Cypraea staphylaea mm 18-22 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry... Cat: Conidae 6,50€ Conus figulinus mm 65-80 Seashell Gastropoda Cone Sea Snail Conidae ... Cat: Cephalopoda (argonauta, nautilus, spirula, cuttlefish) 18,00€ 11,50€ Argonauta hians mm 60 Seashell Sea Snail Cephalopod Octopus Paper... Cat: Cypraeidae 4,70€ Cypraea errones mm 21-30 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry ... Cat: Scaphopoda 1,20€ Dentalium inaequicostatum mm 10-24 Seashell Tooth Tusk Shell Marine... Cat: other gastropods 7,20€ Cymatium pileare mm 60-90 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Rock Whelk... Cat: Muricidae 7,50€ Murex haustellum mm 100-115 Seashell Gastropoda Murex Rock Snail .... Cat: Cypraeidae 6,80€ Cypraea mappa mm 60-70 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry... Cat: other bivalves (spiny oysters tellins etc.) 0,90€ Anadara granosa mm 35-45 Seashell Bivalve Thistle Cockle Clam Comb... Cat: bivalves and brachiopods 10,90€ Only 0.30 Euros per Shell ! Lot 250 gr Cardium tuberculatum mm 15-50 ... Cat: other gastropods 7,40€ Fusinus nicobaricus mm 100-130 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Tulip... Cat: other gastropods 0,80€ Enida sp. mm 8-12 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Top-Snail Top-Shell... Cat: Cypraeidae 2,90€ Cypraea caputserpentis mm 20-35 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry ... Cat: other gastropods 7,80€ Phenacovolva nectarea mm 35-40 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropoda Ovulid... |
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