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Kit Fossils + Book Collection 13 Fossils Prehistoric Animals Collecting

  • Product Code: F16368
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Collection of 13 Fossils selected, with a very good Book about Dinosaur, all in a practical and elegant gift box.

The kit, in its practical gift box illustrated in the picture, includes the following pieces:
- Araucaria sp. (section of fossilized Wood log, Permian)
- Gastropod Shell, undetermined species (Jurassic)
- Dastilbe elongatus (rock slab with fossil Fish, Cretaceous)
- Lamna sp. (prehistoric Shark tooth, Cretaceous)
- Odontaspis sp. (prehistoric Shark tooth, Cretaceous)
- Orthoceras sp. (Shell on rock matrix of Nautiloid Cephalopod, Silurian)
- Perisphinctes sp. (Ammonite Cephalopod Mollusc Shell, Jurassic)
- Phylloceras sp. (Ammonite Cephalopod Mollusc Shell, Cretaceous)
- Rhincorella decorata (Brachiopod Shell, Jurassic)
- Squalicorax pristodontus (prehistoric Shark tooth, Cretaceous).
- Stromatolites sp. (Stromatolite colony Cyanobacteria, Precambrian)
- Triceratops horridus bone fragment of horned Dinosaur Reptile, Cretaceous)
- Trilobites sp. (Trilobite Invertebrate marine Arthropod, in plexiglas box, Devonian).

In the kit is also included a book (Italian language) on dinosaurs "I Dinosauri", Francesco Milo -  ed. Giunti junior (atlanti del sapere), cm 22,5 x 15,5 - pagg. 127.
Italian language. In color, with numerous tables and illustrations, glossary and the table of the largest collections of fossils in Italy and in the world. Over 100 million years ago, every place on Earth was populated by dinosaurs. These "terrible lizards" had different physical and behavioral characteristics: there were herbivorous and carnivorous species, quadrupedal and bipedal, armored and feathered, winged and marine. This volume, starting from the origin of the Universe, allows us to know the various species of dinosaurs, from their appearance on the planet to the debated theories about their extinction.

In our equipment catalog is also available the plexiglas boxes and the plasticine with which attach them to the bottom so to be able to remove.

The photos of the fossils are purely indicative, because, as you can easily guess, they are not mass-produced items, but each fossil is a unique piece, each different from the other.

Much of the fossils offered, such as the book, are also available individually in our catalog, of course at a total cost higher.

The following nature collections and kits are available for sale on our site, many of which have an excellent scientific book included:
collection of tropical arachnids, tropical beetles, giant insects, teeth of sharks or mammals, fossils, gems, raw minerals, ashes and volcanic rocks, papilion butterflies, nymphalids and pierids, bird feathers.

And further:
crystal-therapy kit, 3 different chakra stones kit, naturalist kit, explorer kit, dinosaurs kit, fossils kit, geologist kit, meteorites kit, paleontologist kit, sharks kit, and 3 different entomological kits (to prepare beetles, butterflies and various insects) and many others that we're going to gradually insert to suit every need.

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