Massager Cobble Stone Ema Egg 74.4 gr - cm 4.5 x 3.2 x 3.7...
Bauxite 1 Piece 30-50 gr - cm 2.5-4.5 Raw Minerals Stones Rocks ...
Stilbite Crystals 18 gr - cm 5.5 x 3.7 x 2.8 Raw Minerals...
Grey Agate 50 gr - 4-6 pieces Tumbled Stones Worked Minerals...
Fire Agate Pendant 5.9 gr - cm 3.4 Costume Jewerly Necklaces Worked...
Olivine Peridot or Chrysolite Pendant 4.2 gr - cm 2.4 Costume Jewerly...
Blue Tanzanite Oval cut 0.53 carats mm 5 x 3.5 x 2.5 Gems Costume...
Sardonyx 50 gr - 3-5 pieces Tumbled Stones Worked Minerals...
Natural Crystal Black Tourmaline 88 gr - cm 6 x 3 x 2.1 Raw Minerals...
Opalite Pendant 9 gr - diameter cm 2.5 with spiral decoration...
Druse of Rainbow Aura Crystal Quartz with Titanium and Gold 76.5 gr...
Bargain! Only 1.50 Euros per Mineral ! 60 different Tumbled Stones ...
Only 5 Euro Pendulum ! Lot 6 mixed Pendulums for Radiesthesia ...
Abalone 15 Pieces 13.8 gr - cm 1.5-3.3 Natural Seashell Nacre...
Amethyst Sphere 38 gr diameter 30 mm Tumbled Stones Worked Minerals...
Heterometrus laoticus LARGE cm 11-13 Black Giant Scorpion Tropical ...
Chrysochroa fulminans fulminans cm 3-4 Tropical Insect Coleopter...
Penthicodes pulchella cm 1.5-2 wingspan cm 3-4 Tropical Insect Cicada...
Troides oblongomaculatus papuensis one wing lenght cm 7-8 Insect...
Brachycerus ornatus cm 2.8-3.5 Tropical Insect Coleopter Giant True...
Dynastes neptunus cm 12.3 Tropical Insect Coleopter Scarab...
Charaxes subornatus one wing lenght cm 2.5-3 Insect Tropical...
Mormolyce phyllodes cm 6-6.5 Tropical Insect Violin Coleopter Ground...
Only 5.50 Euro Butterfly ! Collection 10 Tropical Butterflies Insects...
Buthus martensii cm 3.5-5 Golden Scorpion Tropical Arachnida. Also...
Inachis io one wing lenght cm 2.5-3 Insect Brush-Footed or...
Pareronia tritaea tritaea one wing lenght cm 3-4 Insect Tropical...
Cymothoe herminia one wing lenght cm 3-3.2 Insect Tropical...
Tagesoidea nigrofasciata cm 8.5-9 wingspan cm 10.5-11.5 Giant...
Delias sanaca perspicua one wing lenght cm 3.5-4.5 Insect Tropical...
Haliotis rubra mm 118 Seashell Ear Shell Sea Ear Gastropod Abalone...
Murex gloriosus mm 47 Seashell Gastropoda Murex Rock Snail, with...
Cypraea ventriculus mm 50 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry ...
Voluta nobilis mm 85 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Volute Shell,...
Cypraea nivosa Extra quality mm 43 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail...
Conus amadis castaneofasciatus mm 60-65 Seashell Gastropoda Cone Sea...
Only about 0.30 Euros per Shell ! Lot 100 gr Arca Noae mm 25-60...
Cypraea lamarckii mm 45 Seashell Gastropoda Sea Snail Cowry...
Lischkeia alwinae mm 41 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Top-Snail...
Coralliophila bulbiformis mm 16-24 Seashell Gastropoda Murex Rock...
Less than 7 Cents per Shell ! Package 500 gr Mixed Tropical Seashells...
Tellina virgata mm 25-30 Seashell Bivalve Wedge Clam Tellin Tellen...
Only about 0.50 Euros per Shell ! Lot 10 Pecten sp. cm 1-4 Seashell...
Only 3.30 Euros per Shell + Book ! Collection of 30 Seashells of...
Only 1.50 Euros per Shell ! Lot 10 Cypraea caputserpentis mm 20-35 ...
Silver Pendant for Necklace with Tiger Shark Tooth Galeocerdo...
Lot 15 mixed Fossil Shark Teeth mm 11-14 Dogfishes Cartilaginous...
Gift Idea ! Collection 10 different Shark Teeth Current and Fossil...
Rhombodus binkhorsti cm 1.7 Fossil Shark Tooth Race Eagle Rays...
Rare ! Greenland Shark Tooth Somniosus microcephalus Dogfishes...
Guitarfish Shark's Head's Crest cm 22 Rhina ancylostoma Races...
Lot 4 Fossil Giant Tiger's Shark Teeth Galeocerdo contortus cm...
Fossil Shark Vertebra mm 20 x 10 Dogfishes Cartilaginous Fishes...
Lot 10 Fossil Shark Teeth Myliobatis gigas mm 10-20 Race gr 7.7...
Carcharodon megalodon cm 10.3 Fossil Giant Shark's Tooth...
Fossil Giant Shark Tooth cm 2.9 x 2.6 h Squalicorax pristodontus...
Large Zambesi or Bull Shark's Jaws Carcharhinus leucas cm 36 x 26...
Necklace with Shortfin Mako Shark Isurus oxyrinchus Tooth Pendant...
Otodus obliquus cm 3.6 Fossil Giant Mako Mackerel Shark's Tooth...
Lot 3 Fossil Giant Mako Mackerel Shark Teeth Isurus hastalis cm...
Only 1.60 Euros per Feathers ! Lot 10 different Bird Feathers, all...
Pentaceraster mammillatus Large cm 21-23 Knobbed Starfish Jungle ...
Collection 5 Animals Teeth all determined with an excellent Book on...
Sea Horseshoe Crab cm 27 Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda Arthropoda...
Lot 100 Sand Star Fish Astropecten vappa about cm 2-3 Starfish...
Lot of 5 mixed Vertebrae of Prairie Rattle-Snake Crotalus viridis mm...
Protorester nodosus Horned Starfish Knobbed Star Fish Longispine ...
Giant Sea Horseshoe Crab Extralarge XL cm 52 Tachypleus gigas...
Lot 5 Spines Sea Urchin mm 45-70 Sea Hedgehog Echinoderma Echinozoa...
Wild Boar Jaws Sus Scrofa cm 21 x 9.5 Mammalia Artiodactyla...
Giant Sea Horseshoe Crab Extralarge XL cm 58 Tachypleus gigas...
Camel Canine Tooth Camel bactrianus cm 7.3 Mammalia Artiodactyla...
Crotalus viridis f alse trick package Rattlesnake Eggs Prairie...
Crab Cyclocoeloma tuberculata Crustacea Decapoda Brachyura Majidae ...
Barnacle Balanus perforatus Crostacea Cirripedia Balanidae, irregular...
Rare! Fossil Jaw with Teeth Primitive Giant Amphibian mm 10 x 4 x 2 ...
Rare ! Prehistoric Amphibian Fossil Limb Bone mm 3 x 1 Pelodytidae...
Only 2 Euros per Piece ! Lot 11 Fossil Ammonites mm 15-35 gr 100 ...
Trilobite Sea Invertebrate Fossil mm 46 x 46 x 41 gr...
Fossil Bone Armor Plate Skull Prehistoric Giant Amphibian mm 25 x 24...
Ammonite Fossil Seashell cm 61 x 46 x 16 gr 56.5 Beudanticeras...
Fossil Tooth Mosasaur Giant Sea Reptile cm 14.5 x 10.5 Mosasaurus...
Only 3.00 Euros for piece! Lot 15 Triceratops Fossil Bones Horned...
Fossil Vertebra Snake Giant Prehistoric Sea Boa mm 16 x 15 x 14 ...
Fossil Bone Triceratops Horned Dinosaur mm 23 x 19 x 13 Triceratops...
Fossil Fern Leaves Plants on matrix mm 128 x 94 x 30 gr 530 ...
Arrowhead Flint Stone Bifacial 20 x 15 x 4 gr 1.1 Human...
Fossil Tooth Dinosaur Thescelosaur mm 5 Bipedal Ornithopod ...
Prehistoric Fossil Fishes Knightia eocaena slab cm 11.2 x 10.7...
Fossil Dinosaur Tooth mm 26 x 10 x 7 Tyrannosaurus T-rex ...
Gift Idea ! Roundleaf Bat Hypposideos larvatus cm 7-8 Mammalia...
Stuffed Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur Birds Aves Columbiformes...
Siamese Crocodile Skull Crocodylus siamensis cm 31 x 11.8 Reptilia...
Siamese Crocodile Skull Crocodylus siamensis cm 32 x 13.5 Reptilia...
Stuffed Grey Patridge Perdix perdix Birds Aves Galliformes...
Deer Trophy Dama dama Antlers on Skullcap Mammalia Arctiodactyla...
Embalmed Roundleaf Bat Hipposideros larvatus wingspan cm 23-25 body...
Stuffed Black-Necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis Birds Aves...
Stuffed Blackbird male Turdus merula Birds Aves Passeriformes...
Trophy with Teeth or Tusks Wild Boar Sus scrofa Mammalia...
Eurasian Collared Dove Skull Streptopelia decaocto cm 5.1 Birds Aves...
Gallus gallus domesticus Female Cock Hen Skull cm 7.2 Birds Aves...
Stuffed Northern Pintail Anas acuta Ducks Birds Aves Anseriformes...
Gallus gallus domesticus Male Cock Hen Skull cm 8 Birds Aves...
Gift Idea ! Roundleaf Bat Hypposideos larvatus cm 10.4-10.8 Mammalia...
Lot 10 transparent rigid cellophane boxex. Ermetic closure, for...
Book "Mammiferi" (Mammals) Volume on Wild Animals...
Plexiglas Box cm 8.3 x 6.3 x 9.6 h Container for Collection Minerals...
Plexiglas Case Box Container for Collections Gems Amber Jewels...
Wooden Frame for Insects Butterflies Coleopters Entomology...
Speleological Head Lamp Electric Torch for Explorations in Caves...
Book "Gli Invertebrati" (The Invertebrates) Volume on...
Entomological Insect Pins n° 6 for Entomology Preparation and...
Book "Gli Squali" (The Sharks) Volume on Dogfishes...
Book "Enciclopedia dei Dinosauri e Altri Animali...
Lot 10 Piees small folding open white Card Stock Box cm 3 x 3 x 2 h...
Entomological Insect Pins n° 4 for Entomology Preparation and...
burrow for reptiles and other animals of small size, suitable for...
Entomological Display Box Frame Showcase Notice-Board cm 39 x 26 x 6...
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